

Captain Mike Penn, Keynote Speaker and Inspirational Speaker, and Chief Pilot for Southwest Airlines, delivers great keynote speeches on: Culture based Leadership and Teamwork in the Real World, plus how to deliver Great Customer Service and the Vietnam POW Experience.

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Motivational Speaker, Captain Mike Penn provides motivational and emotionally charged, keynote speeches that allow attendees an opportunity to hear how perseverance, desire, attitude, faith, hope, and leadership can change your life, under extreme duress, or simply dealing with life, on life’s terms.

Captain Mike Penn is a professional public speaker, based in Houston, Texas, and provides inspirational and motivational speeches to groups based on his Vietnam experience of being a prisoner of war, and Chief Pilot for Southwest Airlines.

Through his speeches and presentations, you and your group will learn how all of Captain Mike Penn’s dreams came true and how yours can too with a few changes in attitude, outlook, choices and by NEVER NEVER, EVER, GIVING UP!

Captain Mike Penn has a story of courage, determination, conviction, desire, and humility in which he gladly shares, so that you can benefit from his experiences. Mike’s presentations are meant to inspire, excite, and prepare you for success in leadership, teamwork, and customer service.

“Captain Mike’s Penn’s incredible story and powerful business message is the best combination of overcoming adversity, dealing with change, and doing what ever it takes to succeed – that I ever heard.” Frank Candy, President, American Speakers Bureau Corp.

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